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Statement of Work and Performance Work Statement Preparation
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The FAR Bootcamp®

  • Graduates of The FAR Bootcamp® receive 40 hours of instruction and earn 40 continuous learning points or continuing legal education points.
  • The objective is to prepare attendees to independently research the FAR to find answers to questions about Government contracting and to function effectively in the Government contracts market in either the Government or the private sector.
  • The course is not designed to teach attendees about specific activities, such as source selection, contract pricing, contract funding, or contract termination. It is designed to teach them how to find, interpret, and apply the rules for such activities.
  • There are no lectures and there are no PowerPoint slideshows.
  • Attendees work through progressively more complex research and problem-solving exercises and drills, learning how to find, read, interpret, and apply the rules of Government contracting. They learn to use hardcopy and online versions of the FAR and to use public and commercial research tools.
  • The FAR Bootcamp® meets, and exceeds, the NCMA's Contract Management Standard.
  • Class size is strictly limited to 25 persons. The course is open to all with an interest in Government contracting.
  • In order to receive a certificate, attendees must attend all sessions and complete all assignments.
  • There are no prerequisites.
  • The course is also suitable for experienced personnel who want to improve their knowledge of and facility with the FAR.
  • Course hours are 9:00 am until 4 pm, Monday thru Thursday (with one hour for lunch), and 9:00 am until Noon on Friday.